High Brooms Film Club

A PsybaSpacePlace for Etherites to discuss critique and recommend Farkin Good films!

Tuesday 11 March 2008

High Brooms Film Club?


This blog I hope will be used by the cinema enthusiasts (hereto Etherites) getting involved in the "High Brooms Film Club" (HBFC) for posting their film choices for upcoming screenings thru the ether. Due to the inevitable differences of opinion I suggest to get your film a definite entry for screening an effort to elucidate the why behind your choice is forwarded here. Perhaps we can then vote (possibly anonymously) here on inclusion into the 'screening Pot' which can then go to become the programme for the 'Etherings' ahead.

Timetabling a slot for the really out there stuff might be a good idea, but fellows of the ether, please do consider the HBFC as a place for mutual EnterTainmEnt capital E (estimated) capital T (time) capital E of (enthrallment) and not just as a showcase for ones arty credz... Anyone commenting about me being a Film Fascist will of course be be instantly bound gagged and forced to watch back to back episodes of Red Dwarf!!!

Well lets see if any one bothers in particular me!

PS. who knows this might become a place other Etherite stumble across so it would be nice if we or indeed they comment/critique on what will hopefully be an interesting list of cult or at the very least farkin good filmz blah blah blah.

Remember if it ain't projected through the ether it ain't cinemagic!

Neli x


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many are there in the film club?
Does 1 make a club?
Maybe, If you are a buscuit!

20 March 2008 at 07:22  
Blogger Nellie said...

There was indeed a biscuit called a club Manufactured by the late Jacobs I believe. I quite like your analogy as their slogan was and I quote "If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club"

To answer your question Mr A.Mouse we (approx 15) are a group of mates
that meet up, usually after the pub and project our tits off so we are more akin to a half eaten packet of Bourbons!

This blog is new and only just been noticed by google net bots you are the first here so you have broken our High Brooms hymen so to speak. I haven't even pointed my fellow Bourbons here yet but you have proved we/it now exists proper so many thanks. Hopefully there might be something worth reading here in the not to distant future yours truly


Bi the way yu spilt buscuit wring!!

20 March 2008 at 19:54  

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