High Brooms Film Club

A PsybaSpacePlace for Etherites to discuss critique and recommend Farkin Good films!

Saturday 22 March 2008

The HBFC is here!

Ladies and Gentlemen "The High Brooms Film Club" has landed.
Popcorn will be avialable and a free complimentary beer courtesy of our sponsors Loob'n'Lidl Ltd.Prepare yourself to gasp as awesome vistas open up to you on the all new upgraded Film Fuhrer MkII screen. Gape in disbelief at the wondrous technical wizardry of the Bendatronics special effects tech team (guaranteed absofarkintruly no down time) Gag at the endless, endless screening possibilities on offer from the amazing DanLoader UnLtd. Quake as you peruse stunningly superfluous yet mindnumbingly magnificent(Ph)Art Films from the PerusePerou team. Gibber in disbelief as cinemagic beams refract through smoke effect clouds. Orgasm as once again the mighty Jeeves answers your most complex celluloid queries. Spontaniously combust with Captain Clegg as he yoghurt weaves his psychedelic head puppet shadow show then fuck off completely satiated and die humbled in the knowledge that film clubs just cant get any better than this!!!


Blogger andy said...

er, April 1st is a tuesday...

22 March 2008 at 12:10  
Blogger Nellie said...

Well spotted Andy ive decided to say probable date as i'm led to believe you cant farkin make it you part timer! I suppose we could revert to last sat of every month or just post when on this blog tho i quite like the idea of one proper trimmings n all HBFC a month on regular date so as to avoid constantly changin dates etc etc

23 March 2008 at 03:37  
Blogger Noizy said...

we look forward to seeing the sock puppets in action...

25 March 2008 at 08:29  

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