High Brooms Film Club

A PsybaSpacePlace for Etherites to discuss critique and recommend Farkin Good films!

Friday 18 April 2008

Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

O Brother, Where Art Thou? is a comedy film made by the Coen Brothers. Released in 2000, the film is set in Mississippi during the Great Depression (specifically, 1937).

The film is loosely based on the story of Homer’s Odyssey[2] and the 1989 novella A Dozen Tough Jobs by Howard Waldrop, which sets the labors of Hercules in July 1937 in Mississippi.[3]

By its very title, the film displays a sly reference to another type of mythmaking: filmmaking, specifically the 1941 satire Sullivan's Travels by Preston Sturges, in which the title character sets out to make a grim, socially conscious film to be called O Brother, Where Art Thou? After the privileged director experiences hardships of his own, he decides that comedic films are of more value than self-important dramas. Similarly, the Coen brothers' movie also has the tone and imagery of Depression-era realism interlarded with the comedic element.

The film stars George Clooney, John Turturro, Tim Blake Nelson, John Goodman, Holly Hunter, and Charles Durning. The American roots soundtrack won a Grammy for Album of the Year in 2001.[4] watch this, a top tune me thinks.


Blogger Noizy said...

not seen it. up for giving it a go.

22 April 2008 at 08:52  

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