High Brooms Film Club

A PsybaSpacePlace for Etherites to discuss critique and recommend Farkin Good films!

Friday 11 April 2008


Director: Gyorgy Palfi
Language: Hungarian, English and Russian
Release: 2006

Gyorgy Palfi's superbly bizzare and grotesque tale of three generations of men, including an obese speed eater, an embalmer of gigantic cats, and a man who shoots fire out of his penis. Features an excellent score by Amon Tobin.


Blogger Nellie said...

Dantastic choice with a nice undoubtedly gory chicken connection Have you seen Hukkle (Hiccup)I haven't but that sounds good as well and people could talk over as has little or no dialogue maybe a double bill with Taxidermia as the main feature?

12 April 2008 at 02:58  
Blogger Noizy said...

Double bills are the way forward if people have the patience for them. this film would demand a little bit of attention to get the most from it. most of the story is told in a visual way but there are a few subtitles...
well worth a look in.

14 April 2008 at 03:37  
Blogger Noizy said...

not heard of hukkle. will keep my eyes peeled...

14 April 2008 at 03:38  
Blogger andy said...

Looks interesting; double bills sound a good idea, but probably best if the second in the bill is the less demanding...

14 April 2008 at 12:14  
Blogger Noizy said...

sounds like a plan.
btw had a cursory search for hukkle - its by the same director as taxidermia but a bit harder to track down. will keep an eye out.
also i noticed that hmv have a box-set of jodorowsky films... :P

15 April 2008 at 10:51  
Blogger Nellie said...

Give us a shout if/when you get Hukkle and we'll double bill if you agree with Andy then prob Hukkle should be second

18 April 2008 at 02:01  

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