High Brooms Film Club

A PsybaSpacePlace for Etherites to discuss critique and recommend Farkin Good films!

Friday 18 April 2008


This is how HBFC is to be run:

Etherites involved post their film choices to this blog. Then, via comments, (click on comments below) we work out what films when and where! Orribly simple eh!
You dont like the film you dont come, you want a particular film you post, you want to change the screening date or venue you ask (via comment or email).

Film club can theoretically be any film any time anywhere, but to be blunt if you don't ask you don't get and if you don't post you won't get your own play, cant say fairer than that and if you don't like it you can fuck off or I'll set Blakey on you!!

A few times a year we are going to hold a multimedia type party (Pharty) where we will re-screen some of everyone's favourites (by vote via comment) There will also be music (DJs/musicians/bands) a light show (VJs) BBQ/Bar etc etc where we will all undoubtedly get completely wankered at some venue (preferably) away from main club house (Ho ho). Info will be posted to this blog when appropriate if you want to get involved, play, add something or whatever please feel more than welcome.

If you want to join in and post film choices get yourself a google account, its free and very easy to do, and then ask to be given permission (via comment or email Nellie) if you just want to keep up with postings and screening dates and just come along thats fine get the atom feed it will automatically update you as and when people add things.

Be happy, take part, enjoy!

Nellie (The Film Fuhrer)


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